Emily & Joe //Yorkshire wedding by This Modern Love

We were super excited when we got Emily’s first email. A rustic wedding in a Yorkshire village, an ancient candlelit church and a walk on the moors to Roseberry Topping for a picnic.

But this only scratches the surface of how amazing their day was. Warm and genuine, filled with nature, crafted by friends, stuffed with cheese and real ale. They were married by Joe’s dad and ate Emily’s French grandmother’s onion soup. (La Soupe!)

Everything about Emily and Joe’s day was so absolutely them. The entire wedding party sticking on wellies and hiking up to Roseberry Topping felt like the most natural thing in the world to do. I could have stayed up there all day.



La Soupe! (from Marriage Customs of the World by George Monger)

"La soup (la saucée, saucya, or la rôtie) is a French marriage custom that begins after the main reception, during which much wine has been drunk, as the newlywed couple try to leave. The young people at the reception try to keep the couple as long as possible. After the couple manage to escape from the group, the guests prepare a mixture in a chamber pot known as la soupe. The mixture includes leftovers from the meal - champagne, cake, biscuits, wine, cheese, vegetables. The group then searches for the couple and makes them eat some of the mixture.

A description of this practice from Orleans in France says that the guests […] then went to the bride and groom's room at about four in the morning and presented them with this concoction which the couple was supposed to consume with some show of enjoyment. When this was finished, the company left the couple. But the guests often continued to play tricks on the couple or sing bawdy songs outside the bedchamber door."


Any wonder Emily & Joe made their get-away in a taxi ; )

tags: northern ireland wedding photographer this modern love