Danielle & Cian //Carlingford Wedding by This Modern Love


Danielle & Cian met at a Bonnie Prince Billy gig in New Zealand (where Danielle is from). A conversation started over Cian's Johnny Cash t-shirt - and the rest is history...

The tune here is 'May it Always Be' from Bonnie Prince Billy's Ease Down the Road album - probably the best first dance song we've heard yet. We're pretty biased though - this is the first album Tim ever bought for Claire, so it has a lot of sentimental value as well as objectively kicking ass.

And what of the wedding? Simple, soulful, hilarious, beautiful. Wish we could do it all over again.

Sayonara 2012 by This Modern Love

2012. Holy crap. It feels like our feet have hardly touched the ground. So many amazing people, places and adventures. This is a just small window into our year... editing it down has been almost impossible.

We're so incredibly grateful to all the amazing people who have invited us in to document their stories and weddings in 2012. Thank you for having us and for trusting us. We've loved being part of your lives.

It's also been a year of community. Engaged couples of the world - be reassured that wedding photographers are amongst the most creative, generous and hilarious people we've ever met. A huge thanks to all our photographer comrades - pint-friends and pen-pals alike - for your support and your craic.

Just a couple of years ago, Tim was painting alone in a studio, Claire was working up sociology lectures, and thoughts of kids were far in the future. Life today feels very different. We've a toddler, and a baby on the way. We still work on personal projects - but we've thrown all our chips into This Modern Love. And we have a stronger desire than ever to take photographs that feel real, to tell stories, to get closer to the bone.

So sayonara 2012. Thanks to all of you who shared it with us. 2013 is going to rock!

T & C