Yaili & Nicklas //Portugal Wedding by This Modern Love

Yaili & Nicklas - Duoro Wedding Photography

I caught the same flight as Nicklas and the boys one grey Friday morning in Dublin. Just a couple of frames later and we're in Porto, making our way to the Swedish-Portuguese gathering that was Yaili and Nicklas' wedding.

Hotel Rural Casa dos Viscondes da Várzea, just outside the city of Lamego in the beautiful Douro region, was the perfect setting for the feasting. I've never seen so much food. If this is how weddings roll in Portugal, I'm totally in.

From a photography point of view this wedding was a dream. There was no brief other than the freedom to try and push things creatively. Can't ask for more than that.


D3s, D700, Leica M6/Superia 400