Christabel + Roy /Wedding in the Oldest Pub in Ireland by This Modern Love

Not a dry eye in the house. And barely a minute passing without huge belly laughs either.

Christabel and Roy's wedding was about the most authentic, heartfelt day you could imagine. Fist-pumping couple, sword-fighting kids, impromptu karaoke from Christabel, people passing out asleep on the sofas, Guinness galore... Wedding heaven.

It was also a bit of a history tour, with their wedding ceremony at Clifton House - a Georgian manor and one time Belfast poor house - and a reception at Grace Neill's - the oldest pub in Ireland.

I came home from Christabel and Roy's wedding wide awake and still laughing. Thanking my camera for scoring me the invite to the party of the year.

Ps. if you're thinking of getting married in a pub, you're our kinda couple. Do it! And give us a shout!

Seema & Neal /Indian Wedding at Maunsel House by This Modern Love

Seema & Neal - Maunsel House Wedding Photography

On the last day of August this year, I had the privilege of photographing Seema & Neal's wedding in Maunsel House in Somerset. From the first moment I met them in London for coffee, I knew this was going to be a incredible day. The warmth, generosity and creativity of this pair is off the scale.

I love how the photographs of the early part of the day feel full of nervous anticipation, and how this gives way to absolute joy the minute they lay eyes on each other.

Seema and Neal had a civil ceremony followed by a Hindu blessing. Everything took place in Maunsel House, which is the most magical, higgeldy-piggledy menagerie/military museum/treasure trove you can imagine. The wedding feast, in the garden under the pergola, was perfect. I was a ridiculously happy vegetarian for once this weekend... And the party... let's just say that these photos are the tip of the iceberg : )