Lauren & Garrett - Wedding on the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland / by This Modern Love

Lauren & Garrett's Wedding on the Cliffs of Moher and The Burren, County Clare.

We will be eternally grateful to Buzzfeed, whose interview with us was spotted by two amazing human beings, Lauren & Garrett, at home in Oklahoma.

And then somehow they're here, in Ireland, getting married. On the Cliffs of Moher in Co. Clare. And I'm there shooting it with them. And I'm moved by this day in ways that I'm barely able to articulate. What it meant to them, and their families and friends... And what it came to mean to me, to be a very small part of their story. I'll have to leave it to the photos to do the talking this time...

There was also the small matter of the car accident with Lauren on board. And the bit where I enthusiastically grabbed an electric fence to prove it was safe - which it wasn't - and vibrated for the rest of the day.

But it's not these small dramas that I'll remember Lauren and Garrett's wedding for. It's the good kind people that they are that's left a mark, and the grit and the love that has brought them together.